The Top 3 Benefits Of UV Blocking Window Film

August 30, 2018 in Aggrigate, UV/UVB/ RF Blocking Window Tint

Here in Dallas, it sometimes gets so hot that it feels almost impossible to walk even just a few blocks when the sun is shining strong. Besides light and heat, the sun also radiates ultraviolet rays that are known to be harmful. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using UV blocking window films to protect against these powerful rays. Here are the benefits of using UV blocking window film:

Stop UV Ray Damage To You And Your Home

90% of all skin cancers can be connected to UV radiation according to the Archives of Dermatology. We are at risk of UV radiation damage even when we are indoors if we are under direct natural light. Natural light can be filtered to be safe by using UV blocking window film so that you and your family reduce the risk of skin cancer. Those with solar sensitivity will be happy to know that these films can also be applied to their cars and offices as well.

UV blocking window films can also extend the life of your furniture, flooring, and works of art by reducing sun-related fading and discoloration. While these window films may simply look like a clear layer, they are in fact constructed with nano-technology to reject the sun’s infrared light.

Improve The Indoor Ambiance Of Your Dallas Home

When the sun is shining too brightly, it can be hard to see indoors, especially if you are trying to view something a screen, like your smartphone or computer monitor. You may reach out to close your curtains in order to reduce any glares, but sacrifice any natural light in the meanwhile. With UV blocking window film, you can have both natural light and glare-free screens in your home.

An overabundance of sunlight coming in may also mean you are uncomfortably warm at certain times of the day. UV blocking window film also limits excess heat from coming in through windows and glass doors so that there are no uncomfortable hot spots.

Cut On Energy Costs For Your Home

UV blocking window film reduces hot spots so that you can lower temperatures in your home without increasing energy costs for air conditioning. The amount you save on cooling your home could potentially pay off the cost of the window films in just a few years’ time.

Watch the video below for more informatoin

Window Film Dallas works with highly qualified window film installation technicians who can offer expert advice on how your home can best utilize window film. Contact us to schedule your free consultation!

3 Ways Installing Window Film in Dallas Homes Can Improve Your Family’s Health

July 9, 2018 in Aggrigate, UV/UVB/ RF Blocking Window Tint

Dallas homeowners are constantly looking for ways to improve their family’s health. With so many health-conscious options out there, finding effective, affordable solutions is always top priority. Window film actually presents a great opportunity to improve family health while providing other benefits that can actually help save money. From RF blocking window film to UV blocking window film, Window Film Dallas has the largest selection of window film solutions that promote family health.

Health Benefits of Window Film for You and Your Dallas Family

RF blocking window film is a necessity for those who are sensitive in to RF radiation. Those sensitive to RF radiation can experience a whole range of different undesirable conditions and symptoms that really interfere with day-to-day life. RF blocking window film eliminates these issues, helping those who suffer from this condition sleep through the night and improve their daily lives. UV blocking film is definitely a necessity for Dallas families. The Skin Cancer Foundation actually recommends the installation of UV blocking window film on all residences due to its effectiveness. By blocking out 99.9% of UV rays, this health-conscious product deters serious health conditions including skin cancer, cataracts, eye disease, premature aging, as well as immune system suppression. Glare reduction window film optimizes home comfort while preventing severe headaches and squinting associated with glare.

Installation Process for Window Film in Your Dallas Home

Window Film Dallas has the most advanced team of window film contractors in the Dallas area. We’re here to help you navigate all the different window film solutions available to your family while helping you prioritize your goals and required health benefits. We provide stress-free installation that minimizes downtime and utilizes all the cutting-edge glass primers and strengtheners.

For more information regarding window film health benefits for your Dallas family, please contact us or call: (972) 665-7461

Learn How Window Film Stops Your Dallas Home Furnishings From Fading

May 8, 2018 in Aggrigate, UV/UVB/ RF Blocking Window Tint

Why Your Dallas Home Furnishings Need Protection From UV Rays

Even here in Texas, where it almost never gets cold, you can tell that spring is here and people are excited about summer. The hot and bright days of summer are fast approaching and as a Texan, you likely love the sun–that is why you live here. That is a good thing too because we get plenty of it. However, as wonderful as the Texas sun is, it is pretty well known that the sun’s rays are anything but harmless–in fact, they are downright dangerous to human skin and home furnishings. That’s right, those sun rays pouring through your home windows have a pretty significant downside–the harmful UV rays and radiation they bring with them. They are severely detrimental to you and what’s more, for almost every item, big and small, in your Dallas home too. UV rays cause furniture, flooring, upholstery, and artwork to fade and deteriorate-quickly and forever. There simply is no fixing sun damage, so all those items you have worked so hard to furnish your home with are all but lost. However, there is something you can do to protect them because just like there is sunblock for your skin, there is a sunblock (of sorts) for your home furnishings too in the form of–window tinting.

How Window Film Works To Protect Your Dallas Home Furnishings From The Sun

Fading and discoloration are horrible and eventually lead to the deterioration of wood, fabric, or paint itself. This type of damage is conclusively linked directly to the effects of sunlight on your belongings. The three main components of sunlight that destroy your home furnishings and accessories are UVA rays, UVB rays, and infrared radiation. Even when it is overcast UV rays are actively working to harm your furnishings. This is why you need protection from the sun 24/7, all year long–especially in Texas where the sun never really goes away. The only and best solution to furniture fading and wood floors is window film. It blocks 99.9% of rays and radiation–Low-E windows only block about 85%. This is because Low E windows, while effective at keeping heat in, leave much to be desired when dealing with intense solar radiation i.e. UV, UVA, and UVB rays. The best part about using a quality window film like Vista, 3M or Llumar, to reject 99.9% of the sun’s harmful rays and protect your furnishings is there is never a loss of view or clarity. Actually, window film improves your view because it stops the glare that would normally make keeping the curtains open impossible.

Watch the video below for more information on how window film works:

Don’t let the sun ruin the beautiful home you have worked hard to create–contact us at, Window Film Dallas for a free consultation and to find out just how easy and cost-effective it is to keep yourself, your family and the furnishings you have worked hard to get safe from the sun!